Who We Are

Your experienced grain trading partner dedicated to the success of producers and consumers throughout the supply chain.

our team are

Reputable trading team with over 100 years of experience

Brahman Commodities established in 2021. 

an industry of change

Since the early 2000s, the grains industry has been an industry of change. After deregulation, many market participants began to narrow their focus, leading to a reduction of market appetite and expertise. Consumers and producers alike were in need of reliable service and deep market knowledge to navigate the evolving industry.

The missing link

It became evident that there was an opportunity for Brahman Commodities to be created to fill that gap. Experienced team members with extensive industry knowledge began the transition to Brahman Commodities in 2021 to operate within the Australian market.

What we do

Optimising your supply chain & Risk Management

The grains industry is complex and ever changing. Stay a step ahead with our experienced trading team that guide, connect, support, and help optimise your business

Market insights

We keep our finger on the pulse of the market to optimise your wheat, barley, and sorghum trade domestically and internationally

valuable connections

With decades in the industry, we've developed strong, valuable relationships. Our team knows buyers, producers, traders, exporters, all the contacts you need to succeed.

Our Team

Australian Based, Connected Globally

100 years of experience

Our team has over 100 years of combined experience across all facets of the industry, including time at a large market incumbent

reliable service you can trust

We provide guidance, support & supply throughout the production cycle and keep you up to date on market pricing and conditions

Work with us

Talk with us about your grain needs

Talk with our team at Brahman Commodities to learn how we can service your businesses needs in the Australian grain market.